Dravidian University


About Department

About the Department

The Department is offering PhD, P.G. (M.A. Telugu), Soft Skills (P.G II&III Semester) and Telugu Language Paper for U.G. The Department provides comparative perspectives of learning by juxtaposing, comparing, contrasting literature across cultures and languages.

As per the goals and objectives, the Department has carried out the teaching and research activities to disseminate the knowledge in the backdrop of Dravidian language, literature and culture. It is cherished goal of the Department to break new grounds by designing innovative techniques in teaching and research which are hardly attempted elsewhere as the most of the students joining the courses come from rural backgrounds and from regional medium.

The Department aims at orientation of the students towards the regional and local cultures by incorporation of Dravidian writing in Telugu translations without affecting the conventional canon. As a step to enhance the knowledge, understanding capability and to excel in present day scenario the scope of the  e-class room teaching is expanded and hands on training was provided in many aspects like visit to folklore museum, understanding archives, manuscripts, usage of e-library etc. Considering the needs of the hour and developments in the field, the syllabus was modified and approved in the BOS meeting.


 M.A. Telugu, Ph.D., M.A., Sanskrit.

  Associate Professor, Head

  Literary Criticism, Journalism.


