Research Projects Name of the FacultyTitle of the ProjectFunding AgencyAmount SanctionedCompleted/ In progressDr.R.VivekanandagopalTranslation Projects from Marathi to Tamil. Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar : Writings and Speeches, Vol.18-Part I to IIIAmbedkar Foundation, Mumbai. Maharshi Vittal Ramji Shinde : Jeevan va KaaryaSahitya Academi, New Delhi.65,000/-CompletedTirukkural-Maratti MolipeyarppuCICT2,50,000-00CompletedDr.A.BoologarambaiVillage Deities in and around Kuppam Major project 2010-2012University Grant Commission, New Delhi6 lacsCompletedDevelopment of literary Skills among the tribal population of western hillsCIIL,MKU10 LakhsCompletedThe Tamil verbal structure of post sangamISDL, Tiruvandrum2 LakhsCompletedFolklore –Crafts and GenderFord Foundation10 CroresCompletedA Critical study of the ancient orthogeneticand Heterogeneity Tamil cultural stagesUGC,New Delhi.5 LakhsCompletedKumara satakam”-Individual ProjectDravidian University15,000CompletedTamil-Telugu Interlingual Translation-A Bibliography” Individual ProjectDravidian University15,000CompletedDr.T.Vishnukumaran1.Tholkappiyam 2.GradedTamilVocabularies for primary schoolsDLA SCERT5 LakhsCompleted